The second day of the Powertage was all about knowledge, trends and networking. From the keynote speech by Rudolf Meier to the exciting presentations and the traditional Power Party - a day full of valuable insights and intensive discussions.
EV fleets equipped with VEIU Tech's advanced charge management system can unlock enormous flexibility potential. By optimizing charging schedules, EV fleets can reduce peak loads, cut energy costs, and provide valuable grid services. Discover the first results from a pilot project.
CIGRE is a global knowledge platform headed in Switzerland by Rudolf Meier. Switzerland is an active participant. Meier will report on this at the Power Days on 5 June at 9 a.m.
The digitalisation of the energy sector is progressing only hesitantly. Konrad Zöschg, CIO of Swissgrid, warns in the run-up to the Power Days from 4 to 6 June 2024.
Discover how Wibeee Nest simplifies collective solar self-consumption, allowing multiple users to share and efficiently manage energy from a shared photovoltaic installation.
Efficiently managing photovoltaic (PV) surpluses is crucial for energy trading companies. Discover how innovative solutions like Wibeee Nest can optimize energy use and maximize economic benefits.
VEIU Tech’s charge management solution doubles the value of EVs for fleet operators by enabling them to serve as dynamic energy assets that can provide essential power flexibility to the energy markets and grid balancing services.
We don't just talk about electricity. Effectively and sustainably optimize your energy costs. Intelligent energy management software, precise measuring and communication technology, and wireless IoT transmission technology - all from one source.
Our IoT boxes offer intuitive, powerful solutions and complete control over your energy data. Reduce downtime and optimize energy flows with technology that just works. Experience tailored solutions and immediate results.
Switzerland stands for values such as reliability, precision, quality - and sustainability. The "Energy Strategy 2050" calls for an energy transition towards climate neutrality. This goal can only be achieved through another Swiss quality: Innovation.
Powertage 2024
Die Widap AG ist ein Anbieter von Energiemanagementsystemen, Energiecontrolling und -monitoring, Lastmanagement, Energiezählern, Blindstromkompensationsanlagen, Sicherungen, Lasttrenschaltern, automatischen Lastumschaltern, Wöhner-Sammelschienensystemen und VAMOCON-Energieverteilsystemen.
Schmitten FR, Switzerland
Die innexo AG ist Ihr Partner für das Verteil- und Übertragungsnetz von morgen. Mit den richtigen Produkten und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Mittel- und Hochspannungskabelanlagen leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag für die Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz Ihrer Energiekabelsysteme.
Würenlingen, Switzerland
Secure ist ein multinationaler Lösungsanbieter für Ertragsmanagement, Stromqualität und Energieeffizienz. Seit drei Jahrzehnten bieten wir unseren Kunden bequeme und kostengünstige Lösungen zur Messung und besseren Verwaltung ihres Energieverbrauchs.
Zürich, Switzerland
gridfox is BKW's new intelligent and digital marketplace for everything to do with smart meters. This is where energy suppliers procure their smart meters, suitable accessories, services and other grid products - directly from the manufacturer or exclusive dealers without any intermediaries.
Bern, Switzerland
Quality, expertise and innovation, which have characterised us for more than 100 years, have made us a leading name worldwide through "The Name for Safety". That is why our customers rightly demand not the first best, but always the best possible solutions - for the highest safety requirements.
Däniken, Switzerland
MTE Meter Test Equipment AG is an internationally active company based in Zug (Switzerland) with focus on Measurement Technology and the manufacture of Monitoring Systems for power transformers as well as solutions for e-Mobility.
6300 Zug, Switzerland
Connect Com bietet Komplettlösungen für Kommunikationsnetze in den Bereichen Gebäudeverkabelung, Breitband, Rechenzentrum, Industrie sowie Energie, Verkehr und Überwachung an.
Rothenburg, Switzerland
Ihr System-Anbieter für hohe Ansprüche in der Leitwarte. Arbeitsplatz-Technik, Signal-Verarbeitung und Visualisierung - Alles aus einer Hand.
Hünenberg, Switzerland
Horw, Switzerland