Products & Solutions Powertage 2024

Control Your Energy at Your Fingertips: With WAGO IoT Boxes

Our IoT boxes offer intuitive, powerful solutions and complete control over your energy data. Reduce downtime and optimize energy flows with technology that just works. Experience tailored solutions and immediate results.

Energy management and monitoring are often associated with high costs and complex processes. The lack of transparency and control over energy data can lead to inefficient processes and costly downtime. This is exactly where WAGO's IoT boxes come in.

Key Solutions for Your Challenges:

  • Complete Control and Transparency: Intuitive user interface and powerful analytics tools.
  • Quick Problem Detection: Efficient capture and analysis of energy consumption and flows.
  • Process Optimization: Identification and resolution of inefficient processes.

Easy Installation and Immediate Results:

  • Plug-and-Play: The IoT box is pre-configured and pre-wired, enabling easy installation and immediate use.
  • No Special Knowledge Required: The IoT box requires no special hardware, software, or programming knowledge.
  • Flexible and Scalable: Suitable for small and large projects.
  • Modern Communication Technologies: Seamless integration into existing systems (MQTT, Modbus, OPC UA).

Tailored Solutions for Your Specific Needs:

  • Adaptable and Flexible: Standardized and specific solutions for individual project requirements.
  • Cost Reduction: Optimization of energy flows and reduction of operating costs.
  • Minimization of Downtime: Efficient monitoring and control of your energy systems.

Intuitive and Powerful Technology:

  • Revolutionary Energy Management: Detailed insights in real-time.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis: Improvement of operational efficiency.
  • Secure: The IoT box offers encrypted communication to the cloud for reliable security.
  • Cost Reduction: Reducing energy costs through modern technology.

Experience how WAGO IoT boxes can transform your energy projects – intuitive, powerful, and easy to use. Benefit from tailored solutions and immediate results, and take control of your energy management. Visit us at Powertage and discover the possibilities our IoT boxes can offer your business.

Example Products and References:

  • WAGO IoT Box Energy Data 4G: Ready-to-use: Quickly and easily send energy data from installations to the cloud for analysis (2854-099/000-003).
  • WAGO IoT Box Energy MID: An innovative solution for automation projects that enables easy integration of signals into the cloud and IoT (2854-099/000-008).
  • Reference Project Water Management: Optimization of energy consumption and operations through real-time data with LoRaWAN ("Low Power Wide Area Network"), enabling wireless and secure bidirectional communication.