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gridfox by BKW

gridfox by BKW

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gridfox is BKW's new intelligent and digital marketplace for everything to do with smart meters. This is where energy suppliers procure their smart meters, suitable accessories, services and other grid products - directly from the manufacturer or exclusive dealers without any intermediaries.

from Bern, Switzerland



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gridfox was developed by BKW for the Swiss market and is being continuously expanded. gridfox is perfectly tailored to the complex technical and legal requirements for smart meter procurement and minimises effort and errors in the procurement process.

The substantial time and cost benefits for energy suppliers are all the more important as smart meters will have to be operated in high-level security mode in the near future. Subsequent troubleshooting will then generally no longer be possible. In the worst case scenario, the only option is to dispose of the smart meters.


gridfox by BKW

Bern, Switzerland
Viktoriaplatz 2
CH-3013 Bern


Cyrill Thommen

Cyrill Thommen

Business Owner
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Nicolas Ruff

Nicolas Ruff

Product Manager
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