We would like to make it as easy as possible for you to report on the Powertage. Here you will find press releases, information and pictures for the press and media. If you have any specific questions, please contact Dominique Farner, Marketing & Communication, at dominique.farner@powertage.ch

Press Releases Powertage 2024

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Press release Powertage

Powertage 2024: The industry event of the Swiss electricity industry has successfully drawn to a close

Another successful edition of Powertage in Zurich ended this past Thursday. From 4 to 6 June 2024, 150 exhibitors presented innovative solutions for the sustainable future of energy. Over 2'000 trade visitors utilised the industry platform to discuss current economic topics, discover trends and inno

Press release Powertage

Powertage 2024: Kicking off on 4 June 2024 with exciting insights into the future of energy

From Tuesday, 4 June 2024, the Powertage will bring together the biggest players in the Swiss electricity and energy industry at Messe Zürich and celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Press release Powertage

Powertage 2024: Anniversary edition addresses pressing concerns of the Swiss electricity industry

The Powertage will take place from 4–6 June at Messe Zürich. The platform for the Swiss electricity industry combines knowledge transfer, networking & information in a single format, and celebrates its 20th anniversary in June 2024. Some 150 exhibitors & 2,200 trade visitors are expected to attend.

Press release Powertage

Powertage: the platform for the Swiss electricity industry is celebrating its 20th anniversary in June 2024

The Powertage will bring together experts and decision-makers from the Swiss electricity industry from 4–6 June 2024 at Messe Zürich. The three-day event will shed light on the urgent challenges faced in the transformation of energy systems and highlight specific measures.

Press Releases from Exhibitor 

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Press releases Powertage 2022

Basel, 16 May 2022

The Swiss electricity and energy industry faces great challenges ahead

MM01_Schweizer Strombranche steht vor Herausforderungen.jpg (0.3 MB)

From May 17-19, the Swiss electricity industry will come together for the 2022 Powertage held at the Zurich Exhibition Centre to present new products and innovative solutions, and to discuss current challenges. Key topics at this year’s main national electricity industry meeting will be security of supply, renewable power supply, digitalisation, cybersecurity, energy efficiency, mobility, interconnection, and storage. The Energy Startup Day is a new addition taking place at the Powertage.

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Basel, Marz 2022

Powertage 2022: The Swiss electricity industry's key event to focus on personal contact 

owertage 2018 | Big Data, Smart Grid | Application of Big Data at SBB, more trains with lower power consumption thanks to Big Data and Analytics | Dr Jochen Decker

The Powertage will open its doors in just a few weeks. The most important event for the Swiss electricity industry welcomes trade visitors with a specialist forum, product innovations, innovative services, as well as new, interactive formats. The Powertage will take place from 17-19 May 2022 at the Messe Zürich and will focus on long-awaited personal encounters and exchanges.  

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Powertage Premiere im 2021: Digital-Event "Energiesysteme im Wandel"

Image/visual of Powertage 2021 with note Thank you for participating in the 1st Digital Event.

Die Powertage sind seit 2004 aus der Schweizer Stromwirtschaft nicht mehr wegzudenken. Erstmalig haben sie am 15. Juni 2021 in einem kurzen und lebendigen Format digital stattgefunden. Im Mittelpunkt des von Rolf Schmid, Senior Advisor bei TEAG Advisors AG, moderierten Events, stand die Digitalisierung in der Schweizer Energiebranche. An der Premiere des Digital-Events zum Thema «Energiesysteme im Wandel» haben rund 400 Fachpersonen teilgenommen.


Powertage 2018: Wichtiges Stelldichein der Energiebranche geht erfolgreich zu Ende

Zum achten Mal fanden in der Messe Zürich die Powertage statt. Der Mix aus qualitativ hochstehenden Fachvorträgen, Meinungsaustausch und Firmenpräsentationen kam sehr gut an – bei Publikum und Referenten. Besonders beliebt waren das attraktive Forumsprogramm und die Verleihung der Awards für innovative Startups der Branche.


Images Powertage 2022

The photos are the property of MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG. Downloading and reproduction are only permitted in connection with the Power Days and for editorial purposes only. In the event of publication, please state the source: "MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG". 

Powertage 2022 - Impression Powerparty
Powertage 2022 - Impressionen Powerparty
Powertage 2022 - Referat
Powertage 2022 - Cyber Security Referat
Powertage 2022 - Podium
Powertage 2022 - Networking
Powertage 2022 - Ausstellung