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Powertage Program - Expert Forum, Speakers Corner, Side Events

Series of events on current topics in the Swiss electricity industry.  At the Powertage 2024, the focus will be on the expansion of electricity production, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, security of supply in Switzerland and the shortage of skilled workers.

Expert forum for dialogue and knowledge transfer

Interesting and high-quality presentations, panels and talks take place in the morning at the Powertage specialist forum. Each day is dedicated to one main topic and highlights the central aspects. The first block takes an inspiring look at the topic, while the second is dedicated to the practical challenges.


Speaker on stage - VSE Fachforum Powertage.


The presentation series will be determined in close collaboration with the event advisory council and adjusted based on current market developments. The Powertage Trade Forum is supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, SFOE, and swissmig. 

Our partners

Logo VSE.

Logo Electrosuisse.

Logo BFE.

Logo swissmig.


Powertage Speakers Corner

The presentations at the Speakers Corner will be held in German or English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. 

Past events

Key Topics

Renewable power supply

How do we resolve the conflicting goals?

If Switzerland is to achieve its energy and climate targets, it needs a massive expansion of domestic production from renewable energies. This expansion of solar and wind power must take place as soon as possible in order to meet the future increase in electricity demand due to the decarbonisation of the transport and heating sectors. How can we speed up the necessary procedures? And how can we simultaneously ensure that the scale of protection versus benefit is balanced for each project, in order to increase the chances of acceptance?

Security of supply in Switzerlandorem ipsum

How do we accelerate the transformation of energy grids?

The expansion of winter production – especially with hydropower, alpine photovoltaics and wind power – is essential for reducing the risk of any shortages during the cold season and for reducing Switzerland’s dependence on other European countries for electricity imports. How do we successfully expand and modernise the Swiss network at all levels? And how do we create the necessary accelerated procedures and clear framework conditions?

Digitisation and artificial intelligence

How do we utilise the potential?

The energy supply is becoming increasingly decentralised and therefore more complex. We need digital technologies to handle this increasing complexity and ensure system stability. The new data collection options offer energy suppliers numerous new opportunities. How can we use machine learning and AI applications as tools to make the electricity supply even safer or to optimise the electricity trade?

Changing skills

How do we combine the strengths of the different generations?

The transformation of the energy system is not only taking place on a technological level, but also has a significant impact on energy industry professionals. Modern technologies require new skills from the next generation of specialists. In order to meet these requirements, training and further education must be updated accordingly. At the same time, however, the know-how and extensive experience of experts are also in demand. So, how can we encourage the necessary exchange between generations?