Forum: Inspiration Session

Transforming the energy system – How can we shape change together?

To make progress in restructuring the energy system, we not only need political willingness and technological progress, but also a cultural shift towards a climate-friendly future. The inspiring keynote and high-profile panel promise exciting insights.

On Thursday, 6 June 2024, the expert forum will focus on transformation and collaboration. Real change cannot succeed with knowledge and skills alone – it requires a cultural change. In his keynote speech “The Power of Imagineering”, transformation researcher Jörg Metelmann sums up what this looks like in real terms. Expect surprising new perspectives from the HSG titular professor!

Afterwards, the panel will get down to business with representatives from the field – they will discuss the specific challenges of the energy transition, lessons learned in recent years and how we can make tangible progress together. The panel includes: Franziska Barmettler, Zurich Cantonal Councillor and Head of Sustainability at IKEA Switzerland, Alexander Keberle, Member of the Executive Board and Head of the Energy Dossier at economiesuisse, and Alena Weibel, Head of Corporate Communications at Axpo.

The event will be hosted by Jonas Projer.

The show act “The Blackouts”. will perform before the coffee break on the third day of the Powertage event. These Swiss performance artists combine music, dance, acrobatics and innovative lighting effects with state-of-the-art LED technology. We are delighted to be able to present this performance to you as part of the 20th anniversary of the Powertage.

Speakers (5)

Jörg Metelmann

Jörg Metelmann

University of St.Gallen | adjunct professor of cultural and media studies | transformation researcher

Franziska Barmettler

Franziska Barmettler

IKEA Switzerland | Head of Sustainability | Zurich Cantonal Councillor

Alexander Keberle

Alexander Keberle

economiesuisse | member of the Executive Board and Head of the Energy Dossier

Alena Weibel

Alena Weibel

Axpo Holding AG | Head of Corporate Communications

Jonas Projer

Jonas Projer
