Products & Solutions Powertage 2024

Measurement and energy data management — interfaces are essential

Human-machine interaction and logical points of contact in software systems are part of interfaces and are of central importance in measurement and energy data management systems.

Interfaces connect computer systems to enable an exchange of data or functions - just as the human brain does via the sensory organs. The software interfaces and the human-machine interaction are two main components of the SILOVEDA® measurement and energy data management system.

Powerful variety of software interfaces

Data-orientated interfaces are used for communication, for example to import measurement data into an energy and measurement data management system. Or interfaces serve as functional units to synchronise master data. All these requirements demand flexibility and expandability. SILOVEDA® provides a wide range of adaptable interfaces, as shown in the following illustration:

siloveda-Interface_schema_DE_2024-04-08.svg (0 MB)

SILOVEDA® energy data management system and its adaptable interfaces

SILOVEDA® - Best ergonomics and efficiency

The modern SILOVEDA® measurement and energy data management system is characterised in everyday use by ergonomic handling and maximum efficiency in configuration with the following principles: 

  • Dialogue-controlled configuration instead of scripts and programming lines
  • Calculations and aggregations can be defined using clear function block technology
  • Reusable templates and user functions for identical requirements
  • Freely definable type system maps data structures precisely to the system
  • Enormous variety of functions enables simple and sophisticated solutions

Into the future with dynamism and flexibility

The SILOVEDA® standard system is an innovative tool for device management and time series processing that can process measurement series from a wide range of industries such as electricity, gas, heat, water and emissions into useful company key figures and reports. The modular SILOVEDA® measurement and energy data management system can be easily adapted or expanded to meet new requirements at any time.

SILOVEDA® and the LOADMAP® forecasting service bear the "swiss made software" label and are constantly being further developed in Brunnen on Lake Lucerne. Benefit from over 35 years of experience and the extensive expertise of Girsberger Informatik AG.