Products & Solutions Powertage 2022

Manufacturer-independent, dynamic load management

As soon as several charging stations are installed, a control - a dynamic load management - of the charging stations is needed. CLEMAP Load Management is the flexible, scalable and cost-effective load management solution for large, semi-public charging infrastructures of MFH and buildings.

The solution is particularly suitable for electricians and energy suppliers who offer their customers a needs-oriented overall solution for their charging infrastructure.

Dynamic load management makes it possible to distribute the available power evenly among the charging stations. This eliminates the need to increase the electrical connection to the main distribution system and the associated costs. It also makes operational disruptions or even power outages due to grid overloads a thing of the past.

CLEMAP Load Management takes over the central control and coordination function of the loads to enable a cost-efficient and seamless integration of electromobility and to relieve the electrical grid.

The product comprises two components: the measuring device, consisting of a three-phase electrical sensor and a current transformer, and the software, which covers all the functions required for operation with a free basic license (Floem FREE). Various license models are available for optional additional functions.

More about CLEMAP Load Management.