Powertage-Story Powertage 2022

VSE trade forum focused on efficiency and specialists

The VSE trade forum, held on May 17, highlighted the key issues relating to securing future power supply: Nadine Brauchli (VSE), Benoît Revaz (BFE), Gian von Planta (SWL) and Jörg Wild (Energie 360°) discussed paramount measures that must be taken to ensure future security of supply.

Valérie Bourdin (VSE) and Konrad Rieder (SIG) presented a collaborative energy efficiency platform, giving an insight into a cross-industry project. Without grid electricians, the electricity grid cannot be optimised for the future of energy. But why is it so difficult for this highly relevant industry to mobilise sufficient professionals? Christoph Hauser from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts analysed the shortage of specialists from an economic perspective, and, in the subsequent panel discussion with Andreas Degen (VSE), Reto Schrepfer (ewz) and Yves Nützi (apprentice grid electrician at ewz), the current challenges and changes in the job profile were discussed. 

to the image selection of the VSE forum 

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Presentations by the speakers, only available in German