Do you want to modernise your meter park to the latest technology and implement smart metering? Benefit from an all-round carefree package. AEW Energie AG will be pleased to support you.
The Swiss Federal Office of Energy is calling for the introduction of intelligent metering systems (smart metering). Firstly they are an important component of smart grids and help to tap efficiency potential in production and grid planning. Further smart meters should enable customers to achieve higher efficiency and energy savings by visualising their consumption. They make electricity consumption visible by continuously recording the current meter readings. This helps to save and simplifies the search for electricity-intensive devices or applications.
The new «Smart Metering» system collects and processes the metering data fully automatically and in real time. In addition to consumption data (meter readings), it can also read out a 15-minute load profile data and power quality data or tampering detections.
Benefit from our experience and receive all services up to the functional smart metering system from a single source.
You can also expect numerous other advantages:
You can find further information on our website.