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Interview Powertage 2022

Intelligent remote maintenance of e-mobility charging infrastructure

TSI's intelligent E-Operation Centre uses the Aartesys communication platform for remote maintenance of charging infrastructure. With the ChargeX Aqueduct series, we show how automation and intelligent control help to save costs and ensure reliability and availability.

Aartesys AG
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

 93% of charging stations fail at least once a year*

The technical operation of charging infrastructure poses many new challenges: most wallboxes or AC charging stations communicate autonomously via radio with their backends to realise authorisation, monitoring and data collection, billing services, energy management and software updates. But what if the radio fails? Or the software hangs up? Or errors occur in the interaction of the components? Or the residual current device trips because of defective charging cables or moisture in the plug-in system?

In all of these cases, classic monitoring of the charging stations is compromised and can neither help with further error analysis nor actively support troubleshooting. Instead, it is necessary to intervene in the system on site to solve the blockage and get the system operational again. The consequences are frustrated e-mobilists who do not receive the expected service and expensive on-site interventions that drive up the costs of technical operations.

Based on the Aartesys platform, we realise quality-assured, secure communication connections for remote monitoring and - if desired - also for the charging stations (router function). Our automatic switching components switch back on automatically after a fault current has triggered the RCD, as soon as safety is guaranteed. This allows us to remotely de-energise any charging station and restart it from scratch (true cold start). In addition, our set-up with automatic residual current testing and database logging meets the strict standards of VDE and DGUV V3**, thus saving expensive manual on-site maintenance. And best of all: the test is carried out without interrupting charging station operation.

The charging infrastructure is managed in our tried-and-tested, SIL-3 certified SCADA system, which is also used in large solar and wind power plants, as well as by infrastructure companies and in network control technology. States of the electrical system are constantly monitored and, if possible, automatically intervened in the event of faults, and all processes are seamlessly logged. With a connected workforce system, maintenance tasks can be planned and service and repair assignments cleverly distributed and managed. The recorded malfunctions and technical problems help to find causes and to arrive at a professional charging station operation that customers can rely on.
*Communicative AC charging stations - calculation based on sample data
**prescribes an inspection every 6 months. 

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Wolfgang Kormann

Wolfgang Kormann

Head Projects & Services
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