News & Innovation Powertage 2024

Intelligent measurement and control system for PV systems

THE INNOVATION: Based on directly recorded electrical status values within the distribution grid, PV inverters are automatically controlled via a controller for green power generation systems.

The structure is based on a decentralized and self-sufficient system with so-called "SmartGridBoxes" from Camille Bauer. The individual states of the distribution boxes (low voltage) are recorded dynamically and in real time. The measured values are transmitted to a decentralized leader via LTE router, IoT gateway or broadband. From there, the status is compared with the target values. Depending on the difference, the inverters receive a control command via a controller for green power generation systems so that PV systems only feed into the grid in stages when this is actually beneficial to the grid.

Messgerät LINAX PQ5000-Mobile

SmartGridBox with Rogowski