Products & Solutions Powertage 2022

aliunid revolutionizes the electricity supply

Obtain renewable electricity from local or regional Swiss sources at any time - transparently and in real time. This is the new way of power supply enabled by the technology of aliunid.

In collaboration with Swiss electricity companies, the startup aliunid offers a completely new electricity product, based on real-time data on electricity origin and consumption from renewable sources. This gives end customers full transparency and allows them to make an active contribution to a sustainable energy future.

Anyone who purchases the real-time electricity product can see the current electricity mix and consumption at any time in the aliunid HOME app. This is made possible by the aliunid GATEWAY, the intelligent link between the electricity meter in the household and the digital applications from aliunid. For end customers, there is another advantage: they receive the same quality of service from their previous supplier, and their contact persons remain the same.
aliunid works with real-time data to optimize and control energy flows. This is based on the principle of a "breathing supply system" from the electricity meter to the transformer to the pumped-storage power plant. Together with aliunid, energy suppliers are building up digital expertise. They can offer their end customers real-time solutions that save electricity, improve their carbon footprint, and increase security and convenience.
With the new offer from aliunid and Swiss utilities, electricity supply becomes more efficient and climate-friendly. The real-time electricity product is coming to more and more Swiss communities, and every utility is welcome to become a member of the growing aliunid community.