SoftProject GmbH

Short description

Since the year 2000, SoftProject GmbH has been offering products and services related to the digitization and automation of business processes. Thanks to the above-average growth, the company has more than 300 customers worldwide and employs over 120 people.

About us

Opt for the digitization experts

Since the year 2000, SoftProject GmbH has been offering products and services for all sectors related to the digitization and automation of business processes. The company's headquarters are located in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion with additional branches in Spain, Slovakia and Switzerland. Thanks to the above-average growth, the company has more than 300 customers worldwide and employs over 120 people.

Discover our solution packages for the utility industry,
which can be implemented quickly thanks to the low-code platform X4 BPMS, e.g. B.
■ Grid connection process
■ Subcontractor Portal
■ Data hub.