On-site advertising

Strengthen your brand presence on site with posters, illuminated frames, advertising on floor panels or individual advertising options.

On-site advertising opportunities

Outdoor flag

Format: W2.9* H 11.04m,
3 pieces available

Costs: CHF 3'500.-/piece, incl. production

Production from print-ready data

Inhouse flag

Format: W2.9* H11.04m
3 pieces available

Cost: CHF 3'500.-/piece, incl. production

Production from print-ready data

Illuminated frame, one-sided, with LED lighting

  • Format: W250*H250cm
    CHF 3'190.-, incl. production
  • Format: W350*H250cm:

    CHF 4'450.-, incl. production

    Production from print-ready data

Pillar panelling on one side

Format: W75 * H150 cm 
Placement by Powertage 

Costs: CHF 500.-/piece, incl. production

Production from print-ready data

Floor sticker

Format: W1*H1m 
Placement by Powertage

Costs: CHF 500.-/piece, incl. production

Production from print-ready data


Are you interested in other attractive advertising services? Then please contact us. We will be pleased to put together a customised advertising package to suit your needs.

Melis Cavdar

Marketing & Communications
+41 58 206 59 40
